1.Deva Premal & Mitten with Manose are giving a rare 1 day Melbourne concert on 10/2/2016. Book here for a love filled musical journey. Maybe I’ll see you there?
2.Prize winner of my book for the 21 day Relationship Challenge went to Karen Foster for her enthusiasm.
3.Check out “No Fracking in Moyne Shire” to protect our earth and environment. Information Centre is taking signatures.
Are you feeling a call for change? It seems all around me, On a personal level our internal house renovation is a metaphor for change in my own life, with much clearing, culling taking place and newness emerging; this also reflected in my computer which need a big big clean up and change over, even my multidimensional self has been experiencing changes as I clear some very old energies based on past previously unconscious agreements.
Amidst all this unsettling energy has been a really strong desire for creativity, which I have enjoyed expressing in various ways and posted a few things on Facebook.
Could this be part of the build up of the 11/11 energies that several are saying is calling for change and transformation? If this speaks to you, perhaps some questions to ask yourself is:
What am I hanging onto that I need to release?
What old pattern/s are no longer serving me?
Am I hoping and waiting for the “other person” to change so I can feel good instead of effecting change myself?
What am I not doing that my heart knows needs to change?
What behaviour am I engaging with that I need to stop?
Change is about the only constant in life. We can move in the flow of change – seizing the opportunities and listening to the whispers that are always given or we can wait till it is forced upon us – maybe in a loss of job, a health scare or some crisis that throws us out of our comfort zone.
It is not possible to grow and fulfil your potential without change and yet it is not uncommon to continue in the same patterns of behaviour hoping for a different outcome!
As John Rohn says – “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
Expect a bit of fear as you contemplate change. It’s the ego mind wanting to stay in familiar territory. Understand change is just the NEW. It’s like this image of crossing over a bridge into the unknown. and every time you embrace change you expand your comfort zone embracing more of your multidimensional self. (More information on change in my book 101 Strategies for True Health and Empowerment – Healing from Within).