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Mask Breathing

To address some of the multitude of anxieties people are experiencing with Corona Virus, I have loaded a free video onto my HOME PAGE website about using Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.), to address many of these issues. Also on Meditation for the Soul Facebook page. Whilst this 20 minute video cannot possibly embrace all the issues, you will be able to pick up the process and apply it to other aspects that may exist for you. Such as home schooling, lonliness, missing friends and family etc. I hope you find it helpful.

Included in the video is an element about wearing masks which is distressing for many. But I wanted to offer further information that could be supportive. There can be several reasons for the distress. One is being a “mouth breather”. This will result in impaired oxygen flow. For many it is just a bad habit that can be rectified. It can sometimes be triggered by trauma and other forms of mental health problems including depression.

Unless it’s bought to our attention many remain unaware of how they breath. if you snore, you are likely a mouth breather. But you can just do a spot check and notice how you are breathing different times of the day. It is certainly worth noting that mouth breathing can be responsible for all kinds of different health hazards, sleep problems, ADHD symptoms, bad breath ear and throat infections, speech impediments, facial and structural growth alterations, misaligned teeth, poor concentration and central fatigue. See research by Neuroreport. Mouth breathing actually has fairly serious implications, however if it is simply a bad habit it can be broken with consciousness to breathe through your nose.

Sometimes of course there can be some sort of obstruction that needs to be addressed, like enlarged adenoids and tonsils, or deviated nasal septum or polyps. or there may be an overlaying problem like allergies that contribute to mouth breathing.

The other possibility for the distress around mask wearing is old cellular memories of past lives surfacing where there may have been suffocation, or suppression of some sort. You could apply E.F.T to those specifics.

We are meant to breathe through our nose and the good news is that it is effective against anxiety because nasal breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which has a calming effect. It also brings us into presence which is highly beneficial to reduce stress.

Here’s two easy breathing strategies.

1. 4 x 4 nasal breathing. - Breathing in for the count of 4, hold for 4, breathing out for the count of 4, hold for 4 and repeat the cycle 4 times x 4 times a day.

2. Deep, long slow nasal breathing for several breaths, multiple times a day will have an immediate calming effect and if repeated several times a day will have an accumulative effective.

More tips in my book 101 Strategies for True Health and Empowerment to reduce stress and anxiety

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